AN ADVenture Into Self-Healing

A Self-Guided Course in healing from the Body Window 

Adventure Into Self-Healing CourseAdventure Into Self-Healing Course

Why me, why now? 

The reason you have arrived on this page is because there is something in your life that definitely needs improving. It could be overwhelming stress or burn-out. It could be pain. It could be dis-ease. It could be a less-than-optimal physically tight body. Or, perhaps, it could just be a longing within you that just won't go away. Or maybe you can't even identify what it actually is that is bothering you. But something is bothering you.

In the post-pandemic world, I see a lot of this. There is an unease, a fear, anxiety and unrest as we watch discordant behavior, divided ideation, lack of compassion and total confusion at times. It is as if we know that the world will never be the same again. And indeed, it won't.

We can seize this time as a path to reflection and deeper understanding of ourselves or we can resist and attempt to stay at the same old way of being! The choice is yours. 

You may be trying to discover the metaphysical cause of your neck pain, lower back pain, your sciatica, your sacroiliac pain, your Bell's Palsy, your knee pain or foot pain, your fibromyalgia, cancer or other illness or dis-ease. I hope you are interested in finding a deeper understanding of the spiritual reasons for your pain and dis-ease! Any condition is always more than physical, but emotional and spiritual as well! If this is you, you have come to the right place!

Stress from overextending yourself will eventually impair your health, if it hasn't already. We become what we think and what we believe, so if you don't take care of yourself in the here and now, and keep putting off your stress management through lifestyle changes, you will be heading down the path of ill health. I've seen this over and over again in my practice! I promise, my self-healing course will bring you natural stress relief!

Getting to the bottom of our physical, emotional and spiritual pain, is the metaphysical challenge for our world, isn't it? We suffer when the collective suffers, don't we?

Maybe we cannot do anything about anyone else, but we can change who we are and how we respond to what is going on in the world and in our personal lives for true stress relief and healing. One-by-one we can collectively change our lives and change the world.

Perhaps your calling is clear, and you are ready to heal? If so, read on!

Why an Adventure?

Just like any grand expedition, a self-healing journey should be an adventure of a lifetime. As you can see by my cover design, a journey to the top of a mountain is meant to be a metaphor for a healing journey. Any spiritual healing journey of any magnitude will be full of valleys, meadows, mountaintops, high plateaus, and yes even crevasses to fall into. The trail is sometimes steep and rugged, sometimes smooth and easy, sometimes full of fear and anxiety, and even sometimes full of exhilarating joy! This grand journey that we call life will always be full of surprises, and most certainly will be ever-changing. 

While we humans love certainty, most often what brings us pain and dis-ease is our resistance to what is and what is happening in our lives that is calling us to change. We choose fear and rigidity instead.

In your adventure into healing, my course will help you learn to breathe, relax and let go! It will teach you how to be in the moment with an open heart to allow for the infinite possibilities to unfold, possibilities of which you would never have dreamed otherwise! Sounds like a true adventure, doesn't it?

We are More Alike Than we are Different

After many years of being a holistic health coach and hearing the cries of many clients who are healing their body-mind soul issues and attempting to manage their stress and anxiety, I have definitely seen a common thread in the heart and soul of the human being.

I have learned for myself that indeed, we are more alike than we are different. This is eternal wisdom, that all spiritual leaders understand and teach. People are people, despite their various colors, backgrounds, and belief systems. We all have the same needs, desires, aches and longings. This speaks to the spiritual nature of things! It is our very spiritual nature that unites us!

Knowing this, I have learned that each and every individual can heal, if his/her desire is strong enough, his/her heart open enough and his/her commitment deep enough. I can always tell if my client will succeed, almost immediately upon meeting, by seeing and understanding if one of these elements is missing. Healing is simpler than we believe, and intuition is there for everyone who is open to symbolic "seeing." If you lack acquired intuition, I can help!

As a result of my experiences, I have created a simple, yet intensive course in self-healing. In this course I give you all the tools that you need to create a more comfortable and healthy body-mind-soul. 

If you do not yet have a body full of pain and/or dis-ease, these tools will keep you on a healthy track throughout your life; in all things, emotional, spiritual and physical.

If you already have accumulated a body full of pain and/or dis-ease, I promise you that these tools will help you feel better in your body-mind-soul, even if your physical disease cannot be cured.

My predominant methods of healing include yin yoga and restorative yoga techniques, meditation, breathwork, use of affirmations, foam rolling and other body-mind-soul exercises. All of these techniques are proven to aid you in your healing journey. They require no expertise to perform, no special clothing, no "religious" beliefs, just an open and willing heart. Can it get any easier?

How does my self-healing course differ from others?

  1. I am body-oriented, instead of head-oriented. The practices I use bring you into your body, instead of running away from it and its symptoms. I believe that it is the body, that is the window to your true self, your soul. The term I use, and one which you may be familiar with, is embodiment. The goal of all healing is to discover the messages your body is presenting to you, through deep listening to and the opening of your body. We store strong emotions deep within our tissues, and we must go back into the body to release these emotions. 
  2. I always present the Big Picture. Instead of getting stuck in the minutiae of many different practices, concepts and techniques, I keep it clean and simple, stressing the overall picture and the simple purpose behind the activity.
  3. I will ask you lots of questions along the way, that only you can answer. These questions require active reflection and participation. These questions are designed to stimulate your intuitive process.
  4. And the best of all, my course comes with the ability to interact directly with me along the way, an invaluable tool that almost no one else offers. I can do this, because it is just me, who actually cares about you as an individual, not a "team of experts" that desire to make you believe that you need an army for your healing! I am committed and passionate about assisting you in your healing journey, on a one-to-one basis.
  5. Plus, as you will see below, with the various options, my rates are extremely affordable. There are no hidden fees to continue my program, no loss-leaders to trick you into believing that what you get is "free," and no gimmicks whatsoever. Just my purchased course and access to me for a reasonable, additional rate.
  6. I am now dedicated to offering my services in this self-healing, self-paced and self-motivated format, as I feel this is the best way for an individual to approach healing. It is a process of the self! Healing does not come from me and any "magic" I can offer, but from you and you alone! I am merely providing you with a concrete set of healing tools, organized in a simple and effective day-by-day and step-by-step manner, based on my years of coaching experience. Plus, I will be guiding you as you may need along the way and providing insights for you. Everything else is entirely up to you; your level of desire, your level of open-heartedness and your level of commitment to do the work. These are the keys to success!

If my methods sound attractive to you, please continue reading below, for more details on my content and pricing! Please know that this course will require work on your part!

Three Levels of engagement to suit your needs!

As alluded to above, I provide three levels of Engagement:

  1. Entirely independent, where you purchase only the self-healing coursefor only 19.95 USD. (See the full description of the eBook below). The eBook is loaded with unique information and links to my pertinent articles from my website, in a nice, clean and progressive fashion. This eBook organizes all my material, without your getting lost within a maze of links, which is what happens when you try to learn information from my website alone. You will also have access to any and all videos that I have created, of various lengths, as they pertain to your particular area of need. These videos are NOT accessible through my website alone and are sold separately.
  2. The addition of unlimited email conversations with me, at 25 USD per conversation, to help you process your journey, to get support from me and to get additional insight! It can be easy to see other's issues, but not so easy to understand your own. I find this to be so true of me too! It has taken another person to help me "see" what I cannot see in myself.
  3. And finally, live sessions with me if you prefer a live person to talk to. You can pay 50 USD per live session, via either a voice or video call, also at any point in the course. 

I strongly encourage you to add level 2 or 3 to your healing purchase, unless you know that you are extremely self-motivated with a lot of available down time, and you are well-practiced in meditation and self-intuition. But don't stress over this. You will be able to add an email or live session with me as you go along, at any time in this self-paced and self-guided course. I will prompt you within the course, when it may be an appropriate time to discuss your experiences with me if you would like the additional service.

How does the Self-Healing Course look?

My course is presented in an eBook, PDF format, fully downloadable to keep and re-use whenever you want. However, it is much, much more than just an eBook! It is 51 pages, 2.1 MB, loaded with exercises and information to aid in your self-healing, including links to eleven healing videos, all downloadable to use freely as you desire. There are instructional PDF files, all downloadable, to accompany the videos. This is hours worth of healing tools at your fingertips. If you were to purchase all my videos separately, you would pay much more. 

This self-healing course is a culmination of all my years of experience in holistic health coaching, my years as a yoga teacher and registered nurse.

The Adventure into Self-Healing Course is organized into six days or stages to complete. One stage builds upon the other, so what you learned from day one you will need to use on day two, and so forth. This ensures the full integration of what you have learned into your daily life and daily practices.

All you have to do is click on the "Buy Now" to get an email from the Body Window with a link to download the self-healing course eBook. It's that simple! Any other information you need will be contained within the eBook including access to the links to the video and PDF downloads. 

Self-Healing Course eBook

Only $19.95 USD

Don't worry - I use PayPal,  but it allows payment with a credit card. It also converts your currency automatically - see the price in your currency by clicking here

When you purchase the course eBook, with the
"Buy Now" button, you will receive an email from the Body Window with a link to download your eBook Course.


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© Copyright 2009-2025, by Elle Bieling,

All Rights Reserved

We also hereby confirm, as stated in our Privacy Policy, that we do not sell personal information of any kind. 

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Information on this website is not intended for medical advice. See your health care provider for any health concerns. By using this website and/or practicing any yoga postures, foam rolling exercises or other physical movements contained herein, you are agreeing that you are in good health, cleared by your healthcare professional to participate in physical activities and you release The Body Window from any liability involved in the practice.