A true pose of repose, the Knees Into Chest Pose cradles your legs and lower back for a deserved release. Sometimes I even like to call it the "Cradle Pose" because you can rock back and forth in this pose like you are in your own personal, protected cradle.
"Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body." ~ Tara Fraser
You will not find the Knees Into the Chest pose in all Yin Yoga texts and websites. Some consider it a restorative pose, while others consider it a transitional pose. Regardless of how you name it, it is a wonderful pose of release, especially for the lower back.
There is also no difficulty of performing this pose, unless you have a really tight lower back. I love to use this pose all by itself, or in transition from each side of the Lying Spinal Twist Pose, the Stirrup Pose or most other lying poses.
To come into the pose, simply lie on your back, feet on the floor, with knees up toward the ceiling. Gently bring your knees toward your chest, and wrap your arms around them. Hug your knees into your chest, but be sure to keep your shoulders and hips pressed into the ground.
Now, relax your shoulders down as you allow your hips to release and sink further into the earth. As a final adjustment, lengthen the back of your neck as you tuck your chin down, grounding the entire back length of your neck into the earth.
Deeply belly breathe as your release your lower back. When you hold this pose for several minutes and notice your lower back releasing, you may gently hug your knees even tighter into your chest to open your lower back even more!
Breathe energy and life force into your lower back and legs! Deeply nourish this release with your breath as you open your 1st, 2nd and even your 3rd chakra energy centers!
Once you feel complete in this pose, after 3-5 minutes or so, go ahead and rock yourself back and forth as you roll side-to-side in your own cradle of self-love! You deserve it!
May you find perfect repose and release as you do your Knees Into Chest Pose! May the mindfulness flow through your breath as you allow the time and the opening for great healing of your body, mind and soul!
Want a handy reference, over 125 pages of all 36 of my Yin Yoga poses in a complete eBook? If you wish to stay healthy, or have a targeted area for healing, there is nothing like "The Quiet Practice of Yin Yoga" to heal your body, mind and soul! Click here to learn more!
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