The Foot Spa ~ A Luxurious Way for Grounding Yourself

Try grounding yourself with a luxurious foot spa the next time life gets the better of you!

"When grounding in the earth is not realistic, even out your mood to find more stability and balance with a warm water bath, flowing over your feet to pamper them and ground you."

When you are losing sight of yourself and you feel scattered and aimless, a wonderful way to re-center yourself is with a soothing, warm foot bath. The concept of grounding is turning your attention to your "root" through your feet. When your feet are firmly planted on the ground, you can't help but find stability, peace and calm. 

Our feet are possibly the most abused members of our body, never really getting a break. Foot pain is usually synonymous with modern living.

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We stuff our feet into shoes that aren't quite right, either too tight or too big, are not at all supportive and with heels that are higher than were ever meant to be for good spinal alignment.

We stand on our feet too long, push off them too hard with our wills and use them to the point of exhaustion. Foot pain and problems are just ubiquitous in our culture. Witness all of us with corns, calluses, hammer toes, bone spurs, bunions, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, or just tired, aching and swollen feet.

Imagine a life without your feet! Because your feet are so essential a part of your life and your health, it is imperative that you take care of them. If you have ever had a foot massage, you know how glorious this feels to give your feet a sweet reprieve.

A focused intention on your feet is very healing, very grounding, and oh-so-therapeutic.

However, not all of you can afford the luxury of regular pedicures or foot massages. What is the economical, easy and effortless way to pamper your feet? With a foot spa. There is nothing quite as sweet as placing your tired, aching feet in warm water to relax and ground you.

When you are watching TV, reading a book, or just relaxing at the end of your day, it is very quick and easy to fill a foot spa and just sit back, relax and pamper your feet!

A walk through the trees and mountainsGrounding Walk Through the Forest

If you purchase a foot spa there are several advantages to this:

  1. You will get the added benefit of the water moving around your feet for a massage-like effect.
  2. This special foot bath product keeps the water heated, for a longer experience.

If your feet are swollen after the day's activities, you can also add Epsom salt to the foot bath. This will help with the edema.

Sit back, b-r-e-a-t-h-e, grow roots through your feet into the earth and release your tension from the day.

There are few parts of your body that can provide you with the grounding experience more than your feet. These poor appendages that we abuse so much are so important in our stability, balance, our movements and in providing our personal roots.

Any of the upright, standing yoga poses are very grounding. Taking a walk outdoors is grounding.  But when the foul weather hits, and your energy is lower than usual, find some body-mind-soul healing and create emotional stability through a foot spa.

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