My Definition of Holistic Health

The definition of holistic health involves integration of the whole self - the body, mind and soul.

‘The brain may be regarded as a kind of parasite of the organism, a pensioner, as it were, who dwells with the body.’ ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Health is an active state of being and an ongoing effort to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. Health is not about curing disease, which is the sterilized, emasculation, and scientific approach of Western medicine.

Health is a continual holistic effort to reunify the body-mind-soul to feel the energy of life that we were born with, but slowly dulls over time. Health involves connectedness to a bigger picture, the striving for conscious awareness of our inner state to find Peace, Joy and Universal Love.

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Health is first and foremost about learning to love our whole selves, by learning to include our bodies. When we care for our bodies, we care for our entire selves, our body-mind-soul (See Self-Love). 

Because we are spiritual beings, we will not find health until we connect with our spirituality. And spirituality is not an entity of the mind, as is widely believed in Western thought. You cannot think yourself into your soul. It is only through going inward through meditation and intuitive movement that we find our spirituality, or find God.

Additional Points of Importance in the Definition of Holistic Health

Our bodies are fertile spiritual ground. For in our bodies, we store every felt emotion, whether good or bad. The emotions we interpret as good or happy, brings us pleasure and also brings us vitality and health, and allows our bodies to move freely and without tension.

The emotions we interpret as bad or painful, brings us chronic muscular tension and ill health and our bodies move stiffly, rigidly and without grace. If we block these bad feelings from expression, we leave permanent marks on our body-mind-soul that lead to dis-ease and illness.

If we accept our emotions, allow ourselves to fully feel them, we can release the emotion, so storage in our body-mind-soul is no longer needed and health is maintained. 

Finally, we can use our Body Window to help us achieve health. It is because our bodies, the manifestation of our souls, contain the key to our inner condition, our true selves.

Viewing health as an ongoing process – that life is a journey, is the key to health. The definition of holistic health is all about evolution and harmony.

If we continue to attempt to evolve by reuniting our body, mind and soul, we can live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

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