Daddy's little girl

by Lucinda
(Australia )

20 years ago, today, my life would change forever.
My father would die from a freak farm accident & I at the time only aged 11, would lose her Daddy, her Rock her one true love - her father.

Life is a journey....... I stumbled across your site. I have suffered postnatal depression, anxiety and also psychosis on & off over the past five years as I have been trying to unlock the love from within, to learn to love again and to trust again. It's been tough but I have had many good times also. I feel everything happens for a reason & know my dad is with me. I have helped many people who have lost a loved one to heal & becoming a mother has been one of the hardest things I've ever done. To love a child is like no other love but like I said its hard at times to love another when you feel that you may loose them. Over the years I have learn't to become guarded to build barriers to protect my heart from the grief n pain to shut down & numb myself.

However I do know that God has given me the gift of becoming a mother & I am slowly learning to love again, to trust again, to try and enjoy my wonderful husband & beautiful boys, to enjoy the journey & to heal from the past & enjoy the present :-)
Love,light & laughter

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Thank you for Sharing
by: Elle Bieling, RN, RYT

Hello Lucinda! Thank you so much for being willing to share your own life's journey. I am so happy you are learning to unlock your heart for the amazing experience of sharing human love. May God's Love be ever near to you as you trust that the True Source of Love will show you the way!

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