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Hello! Light Your Internal Fire! March 01, 2017 |
The Body Window NewsletterMarch 1, 2017Once again we arrive at the cusp of spring. There are subtle signs in the earth that it is awakening to new growth. The days are getting longer, and soon, we will be on Daylight Savings time, in the USA. As the seasons change, regardless of where you are, it is important to notice as you connect to the rhythms of the earth. It is a perfect time to re-ignite the fire in your own soul, to search for new growth in your own life and spiritual practice. There is none other than the twisting poses, to re-energize your body, your mind and your soul! Let's all honor ourselves by opening and igniting our 3rd chakra energy and emotional centers! Most warmly, Elle
The Twisted Roots Pose in Yin YogaThe Twisted Roots Pose is an intensely therapeutic pose that massages your internal organs and lights the fire in the core of your being. It is a variation on the Lying Spinal Twist Pose, and works more deeply into the mechanism of the twist.The twists are all energizing poses, yet when done on the floor, they feel amazingly supported as well. I love to do the lying twists in the early morning before my feet even hit the floor. It is part of my bed yoga routine, which I do most days! The Twisted Roots Pose Starting Position The lying twists are always included to release the spine, nourish the internal organs and help you wind down at the end of the day, or energize the beginning of your day. This Twisted Roots Pose, is my absolute favorite pose and if I am practicing yoga, I always include this one! I absolutely adore how this pose makes me feel and how it opens me up into my own personal depths.
Click this link to continue reading about this Yin Yoga pose at the Body Window website>>
More 3rd Chakra Healing InformationLighting the metaphorical fire in your belly is the energy of the 3rd Chakra. It is in this energy and emotional center that we find our personal strength, honor it and present ourselves in a balanced way, that does not exert our wills upon others.This is a tenuous balance indeed, as passions and opinions flare in our current world. I invite you to read more about this emotional center, and how you can find your own personal balance. Click here to continue reading about your 3rd Chakra energy system.>>
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