Body Moments ~ In the Moment with the Goddess Pose for Movement of Creative Energy!
Issue #021 - July 22, 2012
Centennial Goal Progress (Top 100 Peaks in Colorado)
"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb."
~ Nelson Mandela
In our busy July, my husband and I managed to squeeze in another Centennial Peak Climb, our 94th! This one is near Creede, Colorado and our hike was shrouded in fog and hail. We didn't mind, however, because the state of Colorado was in drought conditions, and wildfires were rampant at the time.
You can see my Phoenix Peak Album by clicking the link to Facebook.
For me, mountain climbing is one of the
most significant ways in which I reconnect to all that heals my body, mind and soul! You can follow the fun, if you like, on Facebook at Body Window. If anyone wants to join me on a hike, please let me know!
In the Moment with the Goddess Pose, to move your Creative Energy!
"Feel the energy of your inner body.
Immediately mental noise slows down or ceases.
Feel it in your hands, your feet, your abdomen, your chest.
Feel the life that you are, the life that animates the body.
Allow the body to become a doorway so to speak, into a deeper sense of aliveness underneath the fluctuating emotions and underneath your thinking." ~ Ekhart Tolle
Some months ago I posted an article on my website entitled "Bodywork Stimulates Your Creativity." Whenever I get writer's block, creativity blocks and overall heaviness, I turn to yoga to re-new.
Our pelvic area is our energy center for creativity. No surprises here. It carries the essence of our fertility and the ability to create new life. It also carries the center for our merging with another human being, through true intimacy that creates pleasure and extreme connectedness. That connectedness is essential to nurture our souls and make us complete. (Unless you have chosen a life of celibacy, but that is a totally different subject.)
The pelvic energy center's main element is "water." Water is a symbol of movement and change. In order to be able to grow we must be fluid like water. We must surrender like water. In order for change, movement is essential!
If you have problems with the pelvic/hip musculature or bones, bladder or
kidney problems, sexual organ dysfunction, fertility or menstrual cycle problems or circulatory system problems this is the center where your energy is stuck. (If you wish to read more on the metaphysical causes of hip problems, go my article: "Foam Roller Exercises for the Hip Muscles.)
I love the analogy of Anodea Judith, author of "Wheels of Life, A User's Guide to the Chakra System." She states that "Emotions are inherently tied in with movement. We repress feeling by restricting movement." I have stated this many times in a similar manner. It is the way we hold our tension in our bodies that produces this restriction. So, the way to heal, is to restore openness, through relaxation and movement! So simple and so effective!
So let's open our bodies, through the Goddess Pose, to re-invite our creative and procreative energy!
I am going to
vary this classic yoga pose, using a foam roller. Instead of a softer yoga bolster (which you can also use if you wish) I believe that the pressure from the foam roller helps to awaken your senses to a deeper level.
If you have neither bolster nor foam roller, you can just do the pose on the floor.
 Goddess pose, beginning position |
 Goddess pose, sitting on one end |
 Goddess pose, lying back on foam roller |
 Goddess pose, lying back on foam roller, knees open |
Begin by sitting in front of your foam roller length-wise, with the one end butted up against your hips. Reach back and hold the foam roller as you lift your hips to sit on the end.
Slowly roll down until you are balanced, with your body, from hips to head lying on the foam roller. Your knees are still up and feet on the floor to sense the balance required. You may turn your hands up or down. It may be easier to balance if you turn your hands down, but you will receive more energy if you can balance with your hands up!
Once you are balanced, keeping the bottom of your feet together, relax and open your knees. Let your
knees fall back towards the earth. If you feel too open and vulnerable when you do this pose, but you wish to continue, cover yourself with a blanket. It will make you feel less exposed, but your body will still receive the benefit.
While in the Goddess Pose, breathe deeply and on each exhale, you will sink a little lower and surrender to the experience a little more. Focus on your breath and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Relax your shoulders and they too surrender and sink a little deeper.
Hold your intention for what type of energy it is you wish to receive as your body opens and you continue to feel the surrendering. Notice where your body is stuck and breathe more energy into that area. Surrender to the movement, to the flow, to changing sensations in your body as you continue to move deeper into the opening posture.
All the while, remembering to b-r-e-a-t-h-e!
Stay in this pose for as long as you are able or as long as your heart
While holding the Goddess Pose of your choice, you may wish to affirm:
- "In this moment, I release control to God/the Universe and I feel free."
- "In this moment, I surrender to movement and change."
- "I give birth to new ideas and new ways of thinking."
- "I am open to receive health and healing!"
- "I am re-born into creativity!"
- "I enjoy the pleasures that all of life brings!"
- "Sexual energy fills me!"
- "Creative energy fills me!"
Or you may wish to create your own mantra to help you unleash your own creativity.
'May you empty your mind and focus on your new creative energy as you do the Goddess Pose. May you be filled with ease and the pleasures of life that movement and change bring to you when you unleash your creativity! May this all be manifested when you spend this moment with your
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